
Legal information

The website www.tolix.com is published and produced by the company TOLIX STEEL DESIGN S.A.S, with a capital of 745,000 euros, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Chalon-sur-Saône under number B 478 854 888, whose registered office is located at 18 Boulevard Bernard Giberstein – Parc d’activités St Andoche – 71400 Autun, France. The VAT identification number of TOLIX STEEL DESIGN S.A.S (hereinafter referred to as "TOLIX") is FR11478854888. The director of publication is Mr. Antoine Bejui.

The website is hosted by SHOPIFY.

Contact: customer@tolix.com; +33(0)3 85 86 96 64

These Legal Notices of the website are intended for customers and internet users visiting the Site. They detail the conditions of use and the intellectual property rights held by TOLIX on the products and various elements of the Site, as well as TOLIX's policy on the protection and processing of personal data that customers or internet users visiting the Site may communicate to it.

  • 02.1

    The "Legal Notices of the Site" that follow govern the user's access to this website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), The use of the Site implies, on the part of the user, an unrestricted acceptance of all Legal Notices. Any browsing activity on the Site implies a tacit, unrestricted, and complete acceptance of the Legal Notices by the user, who is obliged to comply with the provisions contained therein. These Legal Notices and the General Conditions of Sale are an integral part of the Legal Notices of the Site and the purchase of products online offered by TOLIX through the Site. In the event of a conflict between these Legal Notices and the General Conditions of Sale, the latter shall prevail. However, in the event that the user does not proceed with the purchase of a product offered by TOLIX through the Site, only these Legal Notices are considered applicable. TOLIX reserves the right to make changes and additions to these Legal Notices at its discretion, even without notice, if required by regulatory updates, changes in the collection of personal data, or in the cookie policy, changes in the services offered, or requirements arising from changes in the company's policy. The current Legal Notices are those available from time to time on the Site. Your continued use of this Site means that you accept the updated Legal Notices. If you do not accept these Legal Notices, please leave the Site immediately. The Site is an online portal for promotion and information, as well as – for certain categories of users – access to specific services, including e-commerce, in which:

    • All users can obtain information about the products, services, and initiatives offered by TOLIX directly or through subsidiaries and occasionally by third parties in collaboration with TOLIX (for example, authorized distributors);
    • Certain well-defined categories of users, meeting the required conditions and providing the necessary proof of identity, can access reserved areas of the Site to obtain specific online services from TOLIX, including e-commerce services, governed by the applicable conditions for each specific service, as published or made known from time to time to specific categories of users;
    • All users, whether registered or not, can purchase TOLIX products online. For more information on the conditions of purchase of TOLIX products on the Site, refer to the General Conditions of Sale available on the Site and referred to in their entirety.
  • 03.1

    All elements on the website www.TOLIX.com, whether visual, textual, or auditory, are the exclusive property of TOLIX, or the holder of the relevant intellectual property rights and are as such protected by intellectual property law and copyright. The content of the Site is protected by copyright law, trademark laws, and/or laws governing other intellectual and industrial property rights. As a simple example, the Content includes: trademarks of any kind, possibly even unregistered, distinctive elements of trade dress (presentation), logos, photographs, images, drawings, films, sound recordings, technical drawings, technical documents, databases, tables, texts, slogans, and, in general, any other material contained on the Site, the aesthetic form, the layout, the organizational structure, the code of the Site, and the software used to create or compose the Site. It is strictly forbidden to download, extract, copy, reproduce, process, disclose, and, in general, use the Content and the Site, in any way other than that for which they are intended, without prejudice to any contrary agreement in writing with TOLIX and subject to the provisions set forth below.

  • 04.1

    TOLIX authorizes the use of TOLIX product images on the Site and/or technical drawings found on the Site for strictly personal and non-commercial purposes and only for the purpose of criticism and discussion, provided that the images and technical drawings remain intact in all respects and that these same images and technical drawings always carry accurate information about the author of the represented product and the rights holders of the image, as well as the names and trademarks of TOLIX represented. In the event that they have prior written authorization from TOLIX, professionals in the design sector, authorized distributors, and TOLIX agents are authorized to download and use TOLIX product images on the Site or technical drawings found on it, only for the purpose of promoting, to specific and individual end customers, the sales of TOLIX products to be concluded between TOLIX and the end customer, or between TOLIX authorized distributors and the end customer, provided that these same images and technical drawings always contain accurate information about the author of the represented product and the rights holders of the image, in addition to the name and trademarks of TOLIX, as they appear from time to time on the Site. Any other use of TOLIX product images and technical drawings is expressly excluded.

  • 05.1

    The Site and its Contents are made available to the user in the state in which they are published and according to their availability, without any warranty or representation, whether implied or explicit, including the warranty of absence of harmful programs (e.g., malware). The user uses the Site at their own risk, bearing all costs associated with the use of the Site and assuming all responsibilities arising from its use.

  • 06.1

    Collection & Purpose

    All personal data communicated by the Client on the website www.TOLIX.com - through a purchase, account creation - are subject to computer or manual processing for the following purposes:

    • Management of the commercial relationship: processing and delivery of orders, invoices.
    • Customer relationship management: after-sales service, advice, collection of customer reviews on products, suggestion of products adapted to the customer's needs, notifications of stock returns.
    • Marketing studies and analysis.

    This data is exclusively reserved for TOLIX. The Client can subscribe to TOLIX's newsletter and choose to be regularly informed of the offers proposed. At any time, the Client has the possibility to unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in each newsletter.

    Right of access, rectification, deletion of data

    In accordance with the amended "Data Protection" law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, the Client has a right of access, modification, rectification, and deletion of the data concerning them by contacting TOLIX STEEL DESIGN S.A.S, 18 Boulevard Bernard Giberstein – Parc d’activités St Andoche – 71400 Autun, France, or by email via customer@tolix.com.

    Data Retention

    The Data is retained only for the duration necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

    Declaration Regarding Cookies

    Your use of the Site is subject to this Cookie Declaration, integrated into the Terms and Conditions of this Site, as well as the specific terms and conditions specified on the various pages of this Site (collectively, the "General Conditions of Sale"). Your use of the Site is also subject to all applicable laws and regulations, including those governing copyright, trademarks, and all other intellectual property rights. Please read this cookie statement carefully before using or obtaining any content, information, product, or service through this site. By accessing this site, you accept, without restriction or qualification, the entirety of this cookie statement.


    A cookie is a text file that contains a small amount of information downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. A cookie is then sent back to the original website when you visit it again or to another site that can recognize the given cookie.

    Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize the user's device. For more information about cookies, visit: www.allaboutcookies.org.

    Cookies on this site

    To facilitate your navigation on the Site, TOLIX uses connection tokens or similar systems. These Cookies offer you a better quality of service by recording information about your navigation. These Cookies do not allow you to be individually identified. On this Site, cookies have several functions. They allow you to navigate efficiently between pages, keep your preferences in memory, and, in general, improve your experience on the Site. They also help ensure that online ads are more tailored to you and your interests. The cookies used on this Site can be classified into four categories: (1) strictly necessary cookies; (2) cookies contributing to the performance of the Site; (3) cookies recording functional requests; and (4) targeted cookies. Below is a description of each type of cookie.

    • Strictly necessary cookies: These cookies are essential; they allow you to navigate the Site and use its features, including accessing secure areas on the Site. Without these cookies, the services you request cannot be provided. These cookies do not gather information that can be used for marketing purposes. By using this Site, you agree that we place this type of cookies on your device.
    • Performance cookies: These cookies gather information about how you use this Site. For example, they may collect information about the pages you visit most often and record if you have received an error message on any of the pages of this Site. These cookies do not directly collect information that identifies you. When you provide information that identifies you, we may use these cookies to customize the Site based on the information you have provided and your activities on the Site. By using this Site, you agree that we place this type of cookies on your device.
    • Functional cookies: These cookies allow the Site to remember the choices you have made: username, language preferences, region, for example. The Site then uses this information to offer you enhanced features. These cookies can also be used to remember changes you have made, for example, to the size and font of text, as well as other parts of the Site that you can customize. While the information collected by these cookies is anonymous, the cookies can identify you when their information is combined with other data, as they monitor certain information about your Internet service provider. They do not collect any information that could be used for advertising purposes or to know where you have been on the Internet. When you choose to change the options or settings of the Site, you agree that TOLIX places functional cookies on your device. By using this Site, you agree that we place this type of cookies on your device.
    • Targeted cookies: These cookies gather information about your browsing habits. They have two different uses.
    1. Analytical Function: These cookies allow TOLIX to understand the browsing habits of users. This is done through Google Analytics: but the data is aggregated and therefore not personal.
    2. Commercial Function: These cookies are generally placed by advertising networks - in the case of TOLIX only by Facebook - which record what you have viewed on the Site and share this information with other organizations, including advertisers. This allows online ads to be more tailored to you and your interests. Although these cookies may track your visits to websites, they usually do not know who you are. Without these cookies, online ads will be less tailored to your interests. By using this Site, you agree that these cookies are placed on your device.

    Possibility to restrict or block cookies

    You can configure your browser settings to restrict or block cookies from the Site (or any other website). Your browser may contain information on how to adjust your settings. You can also visit www.allaboutcookies.org for general information about cookies and how to adjust cookie settings in various browsers. This Site also explains how to delete cookies from your computer. You can also refuse targeted cookies from certain providers using the opt-out process provided by www.youronlinechoices.eu. Please note that restricting cookies may impact the functionality of the Site.

  • 07.1

    TOLIX cannot be held responsible for damages and expenses arising from the communication of incorrect or outdated information by the user or delays in the execution of services provided by the Site that would result from the behavior of the user.

  • 08.1

    Unless otherwise provided from time to time by mandatory legal standards, these Legal Notices are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law. Unless otherwise provided by mandatory legal standards and subject to the specific conditions provided for in specific sections of this Site, any dispute between TOLIX and the user regarding these Legal Notices will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Chalon-sur-Saône, France.

  • 09.1

    Translations of these Legal Notices into languages other than French are considered courtesy translations. The French version of these Legal Notices prevails in case of any discrepancy.

  • 10.1

    Strategy, design, development : Period • Paris.

  • We use cookies to provide you with a personalised shopping experience. To find out more and learn how to opt out, read our cookie policy.